Let’s work together to create your unique, holistic treatment plan.
Emily Willow, MD
Featured in

My Approach
Dr. Willow completed adult psychiatry training at University of California, San Francisco and has received advanced training in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy through Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. Her treatment philosophy focuses on opening patients to their own inner healer, using mindfulness-based techniques and a somatic approach. She aims to weave together multiple modalities to create a unique treatment plan that is intuitive, integrative and holistic.

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy
Offering leading edge psychiatric treatment for depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, PTSD, and other mental health disorders as well as for personal growth and deepening psychotherapeutic exploration
Kriya Institute featured ketamine provider
Psychedelic Integration Psychotherapy
Short term, specific goal-focused psychotherapy / psychedelic coaching to help you make the most out of prior psychedelic experiences.
Washington Post - On Your Mind
“How psychedelic therapy may help with climate change anxiety”
Eco-anxiety and climate grief are unlike other issues in psychiatry because the feelings extend to something greater than ourselves and our personal narrative.
How MDMA & Other Psychedelics Could Change Therapy”
Featured Q+A on goop.com
MAPS Bulletin: Spring 2017 Special Edition